Thursday, July 7, 2016

3 ingredients vegan avocado smoothie bowl + ice cream

Currently: 11:25am, in my room, listening to "Summer Girl" by Family of the Year

Back in early June, my family had a plethora of avocados. If you see that sale sign for avocados at a grocery store, of course, you grab like 7 avocados and put them in your cart.

Aside from being really healthy (wait, I forgot why they're healthy? I think they have good, natural fat?), avocados are actually very versatile. I used to eat them only as toast sliders (recipe coming soon!), but I've discovered that a lot of people in the vegan community add the green fruit in their sweets. So if you see a couple of avocados just laying around in your kitchen and you're craving sweets, these recipes might just be for you!

Here are two of my favorite avocado bowls I've been snacking on:

Avocado smoothie bowl (3 ingredients!)

Add and blend in your food processor: 1 frozen banana (chopped and frozen overnight), 1/2 of an avocado, and 1 tbsp honey

That's it! Sorry, I got too excited and forgot to take a picture of all the ingredients sitting together.

This is optional, but you can also add some toppings of your choice: chia seeds, berries (frozen/non-frozen), coconut strips, etc. I always sprinkle chia seeds on my smoothie bowls. I think my mom told me we have cacao nibs in the cabinet, so I should probably go find them for my next smoothie bowl.

Smooth(ie) as a baby's butt

Sorry, let's not talk about butts when we eat.

That day, we still had two ripe avocados left, so I decided to transform them into a bowl of ice cream I can snack on later.

Avocado ice cream (3 ingredients!)

Oh, before I start, I owe this simple ice cream recipe to this YouTube video. When it comes to cooking and baking, I get pretty lazy, so I'm always up for quick and easy recipes. Check out SimpleCookingChannel for more!

Again, I forgot to photo document the actual making process of the ice cream -..-
But all you do is replace the frozen banana with coconut milk!

In your blender, make your paste: 2 avocados, 1/4 cup coconut milk, and 1/4-1/3 cup honey. Transfer the ice cream paste into a container, and freeze it until it is frozen. (But I couldn't wait that long, I took it out after. . . about 3 hours, lol. It was frozen-yogurty.)

Optional: top it off with chia seeds, berries, other preferable condiments

After about a day, it turned out a little harder and wasn't as creamy as I expected it to be. I'll have to experiment more, but I think adding a little of more coconut milk might make it more creamy.

Hmm, I wonder if I could replace the avocados with mangos. I'll try it out and let you guys know :)

Cheers to clean eating and healthy lifestyle *peace sign*